Our Work

No More Broken Bones

Catching Women with Osteoporosis Before they Fall

Highlighting the Peril of Undiagnosed Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is underdiagnosed, and often it is only when a woman falls and is hospitalised that the condition is discovered.  The challenge was to engage healthcare professionals in understanding the importance of testing for these easily treatable conditions.

The Goal

To use data around number of falls to encourage healthcare professionals to proactively test perimenopausal women for signs of osteoporosis, helping to prevent bone breakage and surrounding complications.

The Execution

We maximised impact and relevance by synchronising the Pan-European campaign launch with World Osteoporosis Day.  Healthcare professionals across France, Spain, Italy and the UK were targeted using SoMe to the latest clinical guidelines with film content which brought to life the key creative message.

The Impact

With delayed diagnosis being a key issue for both patients and healthcare professionals, our campaign shed light on the situation, encouraging healthcare professionals to proactively test perimenopausal women for signs of osteoporosis.


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