Our Work

Scope Eye Care

Eye Care with the Experts

Dry Eye disease is a common condition, but often overlooked by those suffering. Without effective treatment those with Dry Eye disease could be putting their long-term eye health at risk and suffering from daily discomfort. We worked with Scope Eye Care to educate the public about environmental and biological triggers of Dry Eye disease through media coverage and secure greater market penetration for the Hycosan range of dry eye products.  

More Influencers

Working with influencers can take multiple forms. We polled optometrists and opticians from across the UK to develop and validate parity claims related to being eye care professional’s number one choice for dry eye treatment. Beyond the survey, worked with influencers from leading ophthalmologists on Harley Street, to racing legends who put their eyes under pressure every time they go for gold.

More outcomes

Over  5 years, we took a range of Dry Eye Disease products from launch to experts’ number 1 choice 

  • Averaged 100 pieces of consumer and trade media coverage per year
  • Verified claim: 9 in 10 opticians and optometrists prefer Hycosan 
  • Overtook largest competitor in Google Search volumes ​
  • Connected the brand with clinical and media influencers for premium positioning 
  • PR supported advantageous positioning in key multiples 
  • Full media and social content production

More collaboration

Our client satisfaction survey told us that Scope rates us for our strength of relationships; with their marketing team, the media, and their Key Opinion Leaders. The breadth and depth of knowledge of the consumer health, ophthalmic and pharmacy industries was also identified as part of what makes us special. 

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